If you are here then most probably you are the one who is well aware of How Important Saving Money Is? But you are struggling with saving money more effectively. One thing that needs to be kept in mind that saving money is more of a psychological thing than the matter of the amount of money that you are earning. And if you want to save money more effectively, you must need to know the psychological factors related to that. So how can saving money be done in a more effectively? See I know your need. So without wasting much time let's just dive in and know How effective saving is done? Having definite goals: I knew a person called Ankit, who is a college student and lives at a college hostel. Every month his parents used to send him a fixed amount of money and by the end of the month, he spends all the money. Again, the next month he receives money from his parents and spends it by the end of the month. This cycle of receiving and spending money...
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